Ukrainian Actuarial Workshops

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you about the launch of the series of Ukrainian Actuarial Workshops, organized by the Actuarial Education and Reference Centre of the Ukrainian Actuarial Society in Lviv, Ukraine. We would like to invite you to participate in the First Ukrainian Actuarial Workshop that will take place on 3-4 June, 2004 in National University „Lviv Polytechnic“, Lviv, UKRAINE. The main topics of the Workshop are:

Capital requirements, risk measures and optimal portfolio selection;

Copula (Dependencies) Modelling in Insurance and Finance;

Capital Requirements by the Solvency Programs 1973-2007, changes within the European supervision system

Invited lecturers are well known in actuarial world Prof. Jan Dhaene (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), Dr. Emil Valdez (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Dr. Maciej Sterzynski (University of Economics in Poznan, Poland).

For more information about the workshop, program, invited lecturers, please visit

We are looking forward to see you on the workshop.

Best regards,

Nataliya Kravchuk.

Coordinator of the Actuarial Education and Reference Centre of the

Ukrainian Actuarial Society



Zamčeno: Ne
Publikováno: 30. 3. 2004
Autor: query
Kategorie:  Sdělení
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