IAA založila Health Section

At its May meeting in Sydney, the International Actuarial Association (IAA) Council approved the formation of a new international Health Section. Official approval was the result of a two year effort by a small ad hoc group of health actuaries from around the world. The first international health event was a very successful and well-attended International Health Seminar that was held as a part of the 2002 International Congress of Actuaries in Cancun at which time you had expressed an interest to keep apprised of the developments in this area. The Cancun Seminar demonstrated widespread international interest in health matters and encouraged the ad hoc group to continue working together to form an international Health Section to serve as a permanent organization for health actuaries to interact with colleagues in the world health actuarial community.

Beginning in October, IAA member associations will be helping us to solicit IAA Health Section members by notifying their members about the new Section and how to join. As an individual who has indicated an interest in health issues, we invite you to join in advance of this general membership solicitation. By clicking the link below you will be able to join the IAA Health Section as well as view the first edition of the OnLine Journal and find information about the 2nd International Health Colloquium that will be held in Dresden, Germany on 27-29 April, 2004. Health Section membership is free for the remainder of 2003. Dues for 2004 will be $40 Canadian.

We encourage you to join the Health Section and to actively participate in its useful and stimulating activities.

You can join by going to the IAA web site at www.actuaries.org. If you are already registered on the IAA web site as a member, first select „Members“ and login, and then select IAAHS. If you are not registered on the site, select „Public“ and then select IAAHS.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

Zamčeno: Ne
Publikováno: 6. 10. 2003
Autor: query
Kategorie:  Sdělení