Přednáška pro polskou aktuárskou asociaci – 24. března v 17:00 – Mario Wüthrich: Statistical Modeling: From Generalized Linear Models to Neural Networks

Vážení kolegové, dostali jsme informaci o semináři polské aktuárské společnosti, na kterém bude přednášet prof. Mario Wüthrich. Aprobační komise seminář zařadila do programu dalšího vzdělávání.

S pozdravem

Zdenek Roubal



Dear Colleagues,


Since a couple of years, the Polish Actuarial Association has been conducting meetings/webinars for its members with the purpose of self-education and professional development. This significantly benefits our members, but allows our invited speakers to share their thought leadership, current research and most recent market developments. The topics vary, but the aim is always to provide quality CPD opportunity to our members. You can find the list of our recent events at our site: https://actuary.org.pl/tag/open-floor/


Since the start of the pandemics in March 2020, we have moved the meetings to the virtual space. As almost half of the webinars since then has been delivered in English, we thought that it would be a nice opportunity to invite members of the CEE actuarial association to join us in participation in these lectures. Needless to say, the webinars are free of charge and available to everyone interested in modern actuarial science and practice.


Our events usually take place in the last week of each month. The next event in English will take place on 24 March 2021 at 5 pm CET. It will be delivered by prof. Mario Wüthrich with his lecture on Statistical Modeling: From Generalized Linear Models to Neural Networks.


All details about the next lecture, including the Zoom link are available at https://actuary.org.pl/webinar-openfloor-statistical-modeling-from-generalized-linear-models-to-neural-networks-24-march-2021/


Please feel free to forward this invitation to the members of your association and/or copy the details of the invitation from the Polish Actuarial Association website.


Best regards,


Marcin Krzykowski

President of the Polish Actuarial Association

Zamčeno: Ne
Publikováno: 19. 3. 2021
Autor: query
Kategorie:  Celoživotní vzdělávání