29. 12. 2006
nové: nabídka slev
Techniques and Practices for Insurance and Pensions (NEW!)
Presented by the Society of Actuaries and Nexus Risk Management
nové: nabídka slev
Techniques and Practices for Insurance and Pensions (NEW!)
Presented by the Society of Actuaries and Nexus Risk Management
ICA in the UK and Solvency2; 12/12/2006; Auditorium of the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (Budapest, Krisztina krt. 39.)
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Zápis z 2. schůzky pracovní skupiny ČSpA pro Solvency II
19th Colloquium Groupe Consultatif which takes place in Edinburgh on 22 September 2006.
Možnost získání stipendia
Symposium January 7-9, 2008